China cracks down on funny mistranslated english signs in time for Winter Olympics
Language can be a weird thing that we all take [...]
Language can be a weird thing that we all take [...]
Lego artist Iain Heath of 'The Living Brick' spent 12 hours constructing his parody masterpiece
The adorable spinoff is just one of a growing list of games that seek to imitate the original Flappy Bird, the popular mobile game that was pulled from the App Store and Google Play store on Sunday
Guia virtual conta com imagens, traduções em inglês e áudio para auxiliar visitantes e moradores da capital paulista
Imagine se antigos fatos e personalidades históricas tivessem Instagram?
Veteranos do humor voltam aos palcos em Londres após 30 anos. Entradas custam de R$ 101 a R$ 351; haverá outras quatro apresentações